Don't set yourself up for a letdown, Good Heart Quote

Have this quote in your mind when you get up in the morning. Have a nice day :)

Have a good heart and expect nothing from anyone in return, you will never be disappointed by that way.

Adjectly It may be termed as help to all without having any expectations as  a noble person.

Don’t set yourself up for a letdown. No matter what good you do it will come back to you. May not be from the one you helped but it will come back.

Sometimes people take your concern and good heart and turn it into something bad.  That is very disappointing. Not letting anyone change you from being the way you are is the best thing.

Counting blessings and planting seeds to reap the life in heaven.

Always do good to others and it will come back to you unknowingly

It is always better to give than to receive maybe be a blessing to all who come in contact with the name of God ameen!

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